
my big news

Sometimes this blog feels like a big old book overflowing with papers and photos I jam inside of it. A place where I jot quick notes and slip in scraps of things I find and love and want to remember – pages torn from magazines, quotes I want to come back to again, photos that inspire me. It’s a gathering place for me, a record of sorts, and I love that there are actually some people out there who are interested enough to keep checking back in on what I’m stuffing in this big messy book. So it feels both weird and totally appropriate to log it in here that after six years at Chronicle Books I'm moving on. It will be a big change for me and it wasn't an easy decision to make but I'm ready for new adventures and the one ahead feels both totally exciting and a little scary. I don’t know why I feel weird revealing exactly where I’ll be, I’m sure that will come out eventually, but I’m going over to internet land full time and will be working for a website. In my new role I’ll be working on the sites lifestyle category and specifically helping to develop and create the Craft & DIY section of the site. So in a lot of ways I'll still be focusing on the same sorts of things - just working with a totally different medium. I’m sure I’ll be posting a lot of what I’m working on over there since I will still be in the lucky position of having my work intersect with my passions and interests. Yay for new beginnings!

Photo by Jeremy Brooks.


Toast n' Candy said...

Don't l-e-a-v-e me!

Christina said...

Oh but I'll be SO close!

molly said...

yeah for new beginnings indeed!!! yea! yea!